Purpose and Scope

1. This section on this website deals with the terms and conditions concerning Next2Call*, an undertaking of Winet Infratel Pvt. Ltd.
2. These terms and conditions apply to everyone who is an active user of this website or transacts with Winet Infratel Pvt. Ltd. in any way possible, i.e., purchasing services, technical assistance, use of information on the company’s website etc.
3. In case of any breach of these terms and conditions, specific consequences would apply to the person in question. The consequences of a breach will be decided by The Company** at its sole discretion along with taking advantage of the concerned laws.

*Next2Call: a venture or undertaking of Winet Infratel Pvt. Ltd.
**The Company: Winet Infratel Pvt. Ltd.

Terms of Making Transactions

1. Next2Call is a venture of Winet Infratel Private Limited; it is a registered company with transparent operations. You can check every single detail proving the authenticity of The Company on the portals of the concerned authorities.
2. Next2Call provides services related to the automation of call centres or any other business seeking automation of communication in the workplace, i.e., voice broadcasting systems. Anyone who is interested in the service can get in touch with The Company through any of the channels openly made available on the website of Next2Call, i.e., live chat, helpline, email, etc.
3. These are general terms and conditions applying to everyone, from people visiting Next2Call for the first time to the permanent customers of The Company. The Company has other prevailing policies and terms of service as well. Thus, at the time of making purchases, specific rules with terms and conditions may apply. This information will be made available to customers who show interest in this regard. Therefore, the onus of knowing such other specific rules and conditions rests always on the shoulders of the customer making the transaction.
5. The Company provides 24/7 technical support to its users in every necessary way possible. This support may be before and after making transactions with us. However, this support may also be eliminated from The Company’s operation without any prior notice of the same to the concerned people.

User Information (Private Policy)

1. If anyone submits any information from their end either through Next2Call or any other website of The Company, The Company, then subsequently, has full dominion over such information submitted to it.
2. The Company can use this information in the best of its interest and on top, in the best interest of its customers as well.
2. The Company can use this information in the best of its interest and on top, in the best interest of its customers as well.
4. Furthermore, with The Company, the information submitted by each User* of Next2Call is protected and secure. However, The Company doesn’t take responsibility for any breaches out of its capacity.
5. The website of Next2Call uses cookies to enhance user experience. By visiting the portal, you, thus, consent to the use of such cookies. However, The Company isn’t responsible for the occurrence of any security breach initiated by any third party for whatever purpose.

*User: any person who makes use of Next2Call in any way is a user of Next2Call, i.e., reading the information provided on the portal or completing transactions through the portal.

Payment and Billing

1. Each individual or entity at the time of making purchases with The Company through any of its ventures like Next2Call is to pay in the mode preferred by The Company and the same person, transacting, is to ask for a proper bill as well. Any customer cannot claim that The Company didn’t provide them with the bill if they didn’t ask for that from their end at the time of the purchase.
2. Any other concerns with respect to payments and billing are to be sorted by getting in touch with the right agent by any of the available methods, i.e., helpline, mail, in-person, chatting etc.

User Rights and Limitations

1. Users of Next2Call are allowed to use the website in the best of their interest, not causing any type of harm to The Company and its undertakings.
2. Not causing harm, mentioned in the preceding clause, includes not doing anything, with the contents of Next2Call*, that stands in direct or indirect violation of The Company’s intellectual property rights.
3. Next2Call is the project of Winet Infratel Private Limited and thus the latter exercises its full ownership over the same. Everything that is part of Next2Call is The Company’s property. And thus, nothing belonging to Next2Call can be used in any way in the interest of any other person except The Company or the one duly authorised by the same.
4. Breach of any of the preceding clauses shall result in the appropriate action taken against the wrongdoer by The Company at its sole discretion with the help of its rights and thus pertaining rules and regulations.

*the contents of Next2Call: it includes everything on Next2Call, i.e., graphics, text, website layout, logo, and other intellectual properties.


1. These terms and conditions, or any part of this page, is subject to change over time at the sole discretion of The Company without any prior notice to any of the concerned people. In the case of an update, the person whoever it may concern is to come and take notice of it on their part; it is a user’s responsibility to make themselves educated on every bit of change within the policies or terms and conditions of The Company concerning them.
2. Hence, by reason of the preceding clause, The Company isn’t responsible for any loss arising thereby.